Left to right: Russell Shaw, Sarah Azpeitia, Maria Giudice, Amy Schwartz, Bonnie Siegler, Sean Adams, Aaron Draplin, Robynne Raye, Gail Anderson, and Alan Chochinov. Photo Credit: Frank L Aymami III for AIGA, all rights reserved.
In 2015 and just a year before no longer being eligible to participate, I was accepted as a Command X contestant. Command X is a live design competition where eight young designers are given 24-hour challenges which they then present live on stage, they’re judged on their work and eliminated, or voted, into the next round (with an impressive panel of judges and in front of 2,800 mostly designer attendees). It is held throughout the 3 days spanning the AIGA National Conference. You can see the full details on the three videos below.
View of our first assignment as seen from the back of the auditorium.
Day 1: Voodoo Museum
Day 2: Redesign Southern Comfort
On Changing Our Culture of Gun Violence
A somber tone filled the auditorium as the third task was presented to the final participants.