From recruitment events to annual property awards worldwide, Agoda produced a substantial consumer-facing presence independent from the digital product. A small group designers was tasked with scaling these events along with the partnerships and client-services teams.
Gold Circle Awards
Profile views for awards proposal.
Proposal for the Agoda Gold Circle award, an recognition issued to top partner hotels. The award sought to symbolize a community of properties that demonstrated excellence while echoing a circle, one of the most recognizable brand elements.
The award is issued to over 2,800 properties worldwide annually.
In 2017, Agoda expanded their business to provide non-hotel accommodations. The product was launched and tested in Japan, a market for which the brand team developed a specific identity and messaging.
Other brand efforts go into some of the dozen events that Agoda hosts on a quarterly basis, the image below depicts a booth used at a tech recruiting event in Novosibirsk.